
I’ve been gone a long time. I figured my comeback should be with some brilliant story. I have had a lot on my plate and on my mind. I would start writing but then I would have to remind myself that this blog is technically not my private diary. Someone said to me that your…

Time, Body, Hare and Tortoise

I’ve been thinking a lot about The Tortoise and The Hare metaphor lately.  About a week ago, I’d heard a yogi friend of mine talk about breathing patterns and longevity. He said one could prolong his/her life by slowing down the breathing and thereby the body and the life processes within the body. I reflected…

Meet Your Heroes Halfway

I think confrontation has always been my thing. Not necessarily in a hostile way but there have been a few people I have walked up to and terrified because I was fangirling and to be honest the most important thing they have done might have been sharing a really interesting Facebook post that one time….

A Reality Check for Circling Qalat

As I am writing this, it is about 2:44 AM. If I don’t get side tracked by the spider in my trashcan or basically just give up, you’ll see this uploaded in the morning. I have kept this blog at this particular domain name for over a year and a half now and it will…

How God Created Millennials

My profile and business card still say I’m a Blogger. ድንቄም ብሎገር! Part I: Prayer After spending a long time giving God the silent treatment because He says He’s the father of all creation and then also goes and creates things like period cramps and heart break and death and all that other stuff that…

Defending the Selfie

Good Morning. It’ll probably be noon if not past by the time I upload this entry. But the clouds are back so there’s very little difference to the feel. I’ve come to regret having put my rainy season attires away. Your typical pluviophiles must be extremely happy by the possibly brief rekindling we’ve been allowed…

“Happiness comes from Solving Problems”

Three weeks since I last updated. I’m not sure to whom I’m apologizing but I feel like I should. So, I’m sorry. October’s calendar has started off crowded and I feel weird saying that because a lot of things I am doing are self-assigned. It’s called discipline. Your girl is trying to learn things. 😊…

Happy New Year: Resolutions

Beginning the New Year It’s Ethiopian New Year! እንኳን አደረሳችሁ!! I’ve never really been big on holidays. I call holidays Pajama days because no one really expects me to do anything except eat and binge watch stuff in my pajamas. I don’t even have to talk to anyone. I will still probably spend this one…

Your Art Means Nothing

We all love art. Or we claim to even though it means pretty much nothing to us. Or we can’t say we like it yet still find ourselves oddly drawn to it, to finding ways to explain it. I’m of the third type. I have in the past written an entry about how I thought…

Ode to Sheger

Since I moved back to Addis last year, I have found myself in the midst of people caught in between two worlds, people desperately trying to hold on to everything at once. Shegerians. I’d thought when I was in Mekelle that it wasn’t really my scene there. Shegerians were my kind of people because they don’t dwell on…

YATC, The Mental Digital Shift and Black Panther

Brace for another long three part entry. YATC and Agenda ’63 Right out of high school, I remember getting an invite to the African Union Commission from my school to attend a lecture given by some of the most profound Ethiopians. Of those I recall, we had the Israeli Ambassador to Ethiopia Belaynesh Zevadia, we…

አሁንም በወቀሳ ሊገድሉን ነው

  ከዚህ በታች “አታች” ያደረግኩት የጦማር ማስታወሻ የተፃፈው በአውሮፓውያኑ ዲሴምበር 2016 ላይ ነው፡፡ ዛሬ ወደስራ እየሄድኩ ታክሲ ውስጥ የተከፈተው ሬድዮ ላይ የሰማሁት ነገር ምናልባት ይሄ ሀሳብ ዛሬም ሬሌቫንት ሳይሆን አይቀርም ብዬ እንዳስብ አደረገኝ እና በቀጣዮቹ አንዱን ቀን (ወይም በጨረስኩ ግዜ) ሼር የማደርገውን  ዴፊነትሊ ሬሌቫንት ኤንትሪ እስክጨርስ ድረስ ያቆየን ብዬ መልሼ አመጣሁት፡፡ ስለኔ ትውልድ ኢንግሊዘኛ አጠቃቀም…